Speed Reading: Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour

Books and Manuals Read the front and back covers. Review the table of contents to get a feel for the organization, and notice if the book is divided into sections or parts. Read the chapter headings to get a sense of the topics that will be covered. Next, read samples of the text. If there is a preface, begin there. Read also the entire introductio
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We react to situations not based on the outcome, but rather on our fear and anticipation of the outcome. And we respond not based on the actual question someone asks, but on the question the mind believes is being asked. When our predictions are wrong, mistakes occur.
Kam Knight • Speed Reading: Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour
Therefore, whenever you pick up something to read, state the purpose or intention for reading it. The clearer the purpose, the easier it will be for the mind to grasp the information—and the faster you can sift through it.
Kam Knight • Speed Reading: Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour
Whether you preview or not, the mind is going to make predictions. You can’t stop this process. It is hard-wired into the brain. By skipping preview, the mind is likely to form inaccurate predictions, making it difficult to understand the material.
Kam Knight • Speed Reading: Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour
This chapter trains you to break a notorious habit called subvocalization, which alone can double to triple reading speed. Subvocalization is the act of pronouncing every word you read. When subvocalizing, you either say words out loud, hear them spoken in your mind, or move your lips to their pronunciation. Any one of these acts is subvocalizing,
... See moreKam Knight • Speed Reading: Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour
This is how I want you to approach reading, to preview material before reading it. That means scrolling through the text, scanning the table of contents, major headings, any words in bold or italics, visual aids, and any information that seems relevant.
Kam Knight • Speed Reading: Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour
One reason is that the mind doesn’t necessarily respond to what is happening in real-time, but to what it thinks is going to happen. In other words, the mind is constantly making predictions about the future.
Kam Knight • Speed Reading: Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour
Since purpose has such power, anytime you sit down to read, set a goal or purpose. Determine beforehand what you want or hope to gain from the material.
Kam Knight • Speed Reading: Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour
This is why proofreaders are taught to spell check by reading backward. When reading forward, the mind can guess, based on the context of the sentence or paragraph, the word that should come next. Therefore, we see words as they should be, not as they are. As a result, we increase the likelihood of overlooking mistakes.