A great way to get out of your head and into your world is to do a task you can actually finish.
Jon Acuff • Soundtracks
Simple tasks can help break you out of overthinking
And predicting a negative future for myself and other people didn’t feel very good. I never walked away from that conversation and thought, “I hope I’ve properly discouraged that person.” It felt gross, and it wasn’t even accurate.
Jon Acuff • Soundtracks
Plan your next vacation. Pick a place, pick a time of year, and pick one activity you’ll do when you go there.
Jon Acuff • Soundtracks
This felt connected to the soundtrack that you should prepare for the worst and be surprised when it didn’t happen. What a bleak way to go through life that is, always expecting things to fail and then being mildly surprised when they don’t.
Jon Acuff • Soundtracks
soundtracks. Take your calendar back out and look at your to-do list. Where do you want to win? Where in your life do you want to succeed? Where could you be making faster, easier, better decisions? What do you want to improve? What do you want to dominate? What do you want to crush?
Jon Acuff • Soundtracks
testing techniques gives you the creative freedom to try out as many options as you want.
Jon Acuff • Soundtracks
A framed quote you love.
Jon Acuff • Soundtracks
he’s also the director of family counseling at Daystar, a center for kids in Nashville. He’s the author of six books and an accomplished public speaker,
Jon Acuff • Soundtracks
The idea of a multi-hyphenate intrigues me
In order to prove something as true or false, you need at least a little bit of evidence.
Jon Acuff • Soundtracks
Spare change adds up.