Saved by Lucas Kohorst
Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid.
We have never seen energy technologies like solar and wind before. For the first time in history, we can manufacture the generation of energy. Once built, solar and wind equipment cost very little to operate. In other words, they are basically zero marginal cost electron sources.
Tsung Xu • The transition to clean energy is accelerating
Solar cells, for example, got almost 10 times cheaper between 2010 and 2020, and the price of a full solar system went down by 11
Bill Gates • How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need
The solar industrial revolution is the biggest investment opportunity in history
caseyhandmer.wordpress.comThough energy may never be “too cheap to meter,” Vernon and Dourado explain that higher energy consumption directly increases economic growth. Achieving energy superabundance would radically improve the US economy as well as the quality of life for all Americans. They show us a vision of the future that includes flying cars, hyperloop, sub-orbital ... See more