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Real-time, collaborative video editing: Film repositories are also often stored locally and lack intuitive search/tagging features necessary for a team-based product.
Mario Gabriele • Not Found
Social network for serious amateur cooks: Similar to Strava, you'd start by offering single-player tools. For Strava that's been routes and segments; for cooking that might be a database of web-crawled recipes with a Gantt chart interface to manage the timing of a multi-course meal. As a userbase develops, you'd start adding in multiplayer social f... See more
Mario Gabriele • Not Found
Third-party platform for 1099s to showcase their work: Resumés and LinkedIn pale in comparison to the understanding Transfix, NomadHealth, and Uber have on their truckers, nurses, and cab drivers, respectively. Faced with stiff competition on the supply side, these platforms have little incentive to help their talent build a CV. These independent, ... See more
Mario Gabriele • Not Found
Always-on socialization: These avatars would learn from the behavior of an individual consumer, then leverage those lessons to continue socializing once the user logged off. While you work, your avatar could work on finding fruitful connections, eventually introducing you.