So the point of my keeping a notebook has never been, nor is it now,to have an accurate factual record of what I have been doing or thinking.That would be a different impulse entirely, an instinct for reality which Isometimes envy but do not possess.

So the point of my keeping a notebook has never been, nor is it now, to have an accurate factual record of what I have been doing or thinking. That would be a different impulse entirely, an instinct for reality which I sometimes envy but do not possess.

Joan Didion On Keeping a Notebook - Joan Didion

Saved by Alex Dobrenko and

Phillip Lopate Writers and Their Notebooks

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Austin Kleon Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad (Austin Kleon)

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"Why do I keep a notebook at all?"

Alex Dobrenko`
Thumbnail of "Why do I keep a notebook at all?"

Joan Didion Let Me Tell You What I Mean

Joan Didion On Keeping a Notebook - Joan Didion

Austin Kleon Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative (Austin Kleon)