Several Short Sentences About Writing

What if the virtue, the value, of the sentence is the sentence itself and not its extractable meaning? What if you wrote as though sentences can’t be summarized? What if you value every one of a sentence’s attributes and not merely its meaning?
Verlyn Klinkenborg • Several Short Sentences About Writing

Use the long sentence to describe something long. Let form follow function.
Roy Peter Clark • Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer
You may notice, as you write, that sentences often volunteer a shape of their own And supply their own words as if they anticipated your thinking. Those sentences are nearly always unacceptable, Dull and unvarying, yielding only a small number of possible structures And only the most predictable phrases, the inevitable clichés.
Verlyn Klinkenborg • Several Short Sentences About Writing
So write with a combination of short, medium, and long sentences.