Sensoria: Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century
Perhaps an insistence on Blackness as fully human rather overvalues the human. And if whiteness is supposedly most close to the human, then there’s every reason to think less of the human as a category in the first place. This rhetorical move is central to Black Accelerationism. The coupling of Blackness with the machinic is what is to be valued an
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Black Accelerationism is a willful pushing forward that includes an attempt to clear away certain habits of thought and feeling in order to be open to a future that is attempting to realize itself in the present.
McKenzie Wark • Sensoria: Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century
The interesting also assembles the social, but what is sociologically interesting also has an aesthetic aspect. It measures the tension between understanding and wonder.
McKenzie Wark • Sensoria: Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century
“The best explanation for why the zany, the interesting, and the cute are our most pervasive and significant categories is that they are about the increasingly intertwined ways in which late capitalist subjects labor, communicate and consume.”4 They are the material through which we can have perceptions and share judgments that seem most closely re
... See moreMcKenzie Wark • Sensoria: Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century
The interesting addresses a world of speeded-up information by asking for a slowed-down attention.
McKenzie Wark • Sensoria: Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century
From the hard sciences to sociology to literary studies, the interesting thus seems to be a way of creating relays between affect-based judgement and concept-based explanation in a manner that binds heterogeneous agencies together and enables movement across disciplinary domains.
McKenzie Wark • Sensoria: Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century
the zany is more likely to convert triumph into failure than failure into triumph. Think the coyote’s endless labor of trying to catch the roadrunner.
McKenzie Wark • Sensoria: Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century
“Pop always retroactively rescues unpop from the prison of its admirers.”
McKenzie Wark • Sensoria: Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century
What might be novel is the ownership and control over the entire value chain through command of the information vector itself.
McKenzie Wark • Sensoria: Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century
The interesting can be irritating, with its repetitive flick between the familiar and the unfamiliar, identity and difference, continuity and break. But its variance from the norm can be small, its affect minimal, its risk manageable.