Results: Think Less. Achieve More
Jim explains, ‘I’m more patient these days. If it's not absolutely right, I don't push it. I wait until it's right and then I act with total conviction
Jamie Smart • Results: Think Less. Achieve More
As you experience greater clarity in your life, you're going to have realizations and insights into what results matter to you and for you. You'll also have greater access to your innate capacities for bringing those results into being while enjoying the process.
Jamie Smart • Results: Think Less. Achieve More
It's the same with audiences. You don't need to limit yourself to one, or stay with the same audience forever. You don't need to make the group part of your identity. But it can be very useful to choose which one you want to start with; a group you'd love to serve. Then, if you decide you want to increase your domain, you can decide which group you
... See moreJamie Smart • Results: Think Less. Achieve More
While you have a name and can describe your characteristics, you have no existence independent of the oneness of life. While you can perceive yourself as distinct and separate for practical purposes, you are never actually separate. You are inseparable from the intelligence and oneness of life, part of an undivided whole. We'll be referring to the
... See moreJamie Smart • Results: Think Less. Achieve More
‘I came to the conclusion that we should aspire to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness in order to better understand what questions to ask. Really, the only thing that makes sense is to strive for greater collective enlightenment…’
Jamie Smart • Results: Think Less. Achieve More
Where do you believe your feelings are coming from?
Jamie Smart • Results: Think Less. Achieve More
In the domains where we're stuck in the outside-in misunderstanding, our minds are preoccupied with spurious causes, and we innocently underestimate our innate capacity for clarity, wisdom and insight. In the domains where our embodied understanding is more closely aligned with the inside-out nature of life, we realize our innate capacities, thrive
... See moreJamie Smart • Results: Think Less. Achieve More
Your understanding of how your experience is created is the ultimate leverage point for improving the quality of that experience. The more deeply you understand the principles behind clarity, the more you benefit from your mind's ability to self-correct to resilience, creativity and connection.
Jamie Smart • Results: Think Less. Achieve More
Your feelings aren't telling you about the risk of failure, the size of the goal or your ability to achieve it… Your feelings are an experience of the principle of THOUGHT taking form right now, in this moment.
Jamie Smart • Results: Think Less. Achieve More
your biggest leverage point is your clients' experience of what you offer. The most powerful way to influence that is through the experience you and your team are having. And the most powerful way to influence that is your understanding of the principles behind clarity.