“The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life,” Jobs says.
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But he also lives with something we all share: not just independence but the plain fact of dependence, too. In Steve’s life, I saw a constellation of designed gear and services that changed my perspective and my vocabulary about assistance—about human needfulness and its role in a desirable life.
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Scott Belsky - On Tech/Product, Creativity, & Making Ideas Happen - Issue #9
Scott Belskydigest.scottbelsky.comSteve Jobs’ motivation was to express a gratitude for the human species — and he did this by putting care and love into things he made.
— a synopsis of one of Jony Ive’s answers from the interview between Jony Ive and Anna Wintour in RE:WIRED 2021.