Re-Noted: Eminem's Boxes of Notes

a huge archive of thinking and feeling and resonance.
the gravity of all the thoughts and raw material that helped make the act of creation possible.

Even as a kid, I always wanted the most words to rhyme. Say I saw a word like “transcendalistic tendencies.” I would write it out on a piece of paper— trans-cend-a-lis-tic ten-den-cies—and underneath I’d line a word up with each syllable: and bend all mystic sentence trees. Even if it didn’t make sense, that’s the kind of drill I would do to practi... See more
How it felt to me : that is getting closer to the truth about a note book. I sometimes delude myself about why I keep a notebook, imagine that some thrifty virtue derives from preserving everything observed. See enough and write it down, I tell myself, and then some morning when the world seems drained of wonder, some day when I am only going throu... See more
Joan Didion • On Keeping a Notebook - Joan Didion
pent up, boxed in, and worn out.
Chris Gethard • A Bad Idea I'm About to Do: True Tales of Seriously Poor Judgment and Stunningly Awkward Adventure
The Notecard System: Capture, Organize, and Use Everything You Read, Watch, and Listen To
Billy Oppenheimerbillyoppenheimer.com