Re-Noted: Eminem's Boxes of Notes

The Notecard System: Capture, Organize, and Use Everything You Read, Watch, and Listen To
Billy Oppenheimerbillyoppenheimer.com
Even as a kid, I always wanted the most words to rhyme. Say I saw a word like “transcendalistic tendencies.” I would write it out on a piece of paper— trans-cend-a-lis-tic ten-den-cies—and underneath I’d line a word up with each syllable: and bend all mystic sentence trees. Even if it didn’t make sense, that’s the kind of drill I would do to practi... See more
On Keeping a Notebook - Joan Didion
Joan Didion reflects on the personal and introspective nature of keeping a notebook, delving into memory, self-reflection, and the significance of past experiences.
I got the essay book “The Crack Up” by F. Scott Fitzgerald this week, but didn’t realize until yesterday that there are only 8 essays and it’s 75% logs that were too weird or random to make it into his published work.
Inspired by how Festing Jones organized Samuel Butler’s notebook, he did the same thing by organizing how own fragments under alphabe
... See moreIt occurs to me, much later than it occurred to the archivists, that we have never possessed such a complete and damning record of our past interactions. I can tell you every college scholarship I never got. Every sale at The Gap for the past 18 years. Every flight I’ve ever taken, anywhere in the world. Most grocery lists, news alerts, heartbreaks... See more
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