Rabbit Holes 🕳️ #109

Here’s how computer logic shapes our habits of the mind:... See more
- Digitization (binary code) = Intransigence: Things lose nuance. They’re either black or white, 0 or 1, on or off, no or yes.
- Algorithmic (input/output model) = Impertinence: Like axioms, computer programs return only what’s already known. This makes us close-minded and insensitive to new pers
Thomas Klaffke • Rabbit Holes 🕳️ #109
“ This century does not dehumanize us. It disinhabits us.
On one side, humans are redefining their relationship with their own bodies. From germ theory (1860) to GLP-1 drugs (2023), we have moved from understanding to administration.
The body is no longer a temple; it’s a startup chasing optimization, hacking itself for efficiency.
Thomas Klaffke • Rabbit Holes 🕳️ #109
“Productivity advice promises the ability to extend the capacity of an hour to encompass more work, more production , than it could otherwise hold. Our productivity hacks are like little time machines, allowing us to double up on each minute of the day. One might understandably expect this to make time feel as if it's slowing down, becoming denser,... See more
Thomas Klaffke • Rabbit Holes 🕳️ #109
Humans abstract themselves from reality, drawn into the mirages of the metaverse. The machine, meanwhile, is learning to walk in our physical world, conquering the space we abandon. We have ceased to inhabit space.... See more
A world where education prepares us for a future that no longer exists. Where work produces nomadic bodies, minds evaporated into the c