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Pursuits That Can’t Scale
Satisfaction comes not from chasing bigger and bigger things, but paying attention to smaller and smaller things.
Arthur C. Brooks • From Strength to Strength
Instead of allowing myself a slow morning after a restless night, I go for a run.
Instead of relaxing on the couch, I'm teaching myself how to code.
Instead of avoiding a difficult conversation, I embrace it.
These things share one important truth: I know that I will feel better once they've happened. These actions are scalable because they optimize f
... See • Life-Affirming Choices
Anu Atluru • Anu Atluru | Substack
I met a social worker whose job was to look after four orphaned children. She’d alternate with her coworkers spending 24 hours at a time living with the kids, effectively acting as their parent. The children, unsurprisingly, had a lot of trauma and so her job was certainly not an easy one, but she found it deeply rewarding and she
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