We do not filter our work through our identity. To filter one’s work through identity labels is to constantly be addressed through that identity, and the work never stands on its own.
It is the goal of the new technologist to increase the “ capability landscape” , thus increasing the individual’s potential for greatness. There have been people that were born and died within a time period without access to / invention of the tool they are meant for. How many Mozart’s died before the invention of the Harpsichord? Our job is to con... See more
Yes, there can be taste in technology. But the problem is that the majority of practitioners are not consciously trying to extend nor synthesize towards improving quality of life.
Instead we are stuck in the darkest loop of identity confirmation derivatives, in order to extract and accumulate professional status for ourselves.
The one thing I thought was funny about Anu’s piece is that it claims “no one owns taste” but then sort of poo-poo’s the anticipated reaction of people that views the subject of taste as their “special territory”.
You can’t have both of these things. And it’s what tech people broadly get wrong about many other intersectional dialogues. Either no on... See more
Taste is not some idea of good design and brand. That definition isn’t rooted in a single damn thing.
Taste is that personalizing moment, that got transferred spiritually. It’s Naoto Fukasawa’s idea of embodiment in design. It didn’t come from a vague notion of “being good”. NOOOOOOOOO it came from dropping in on that moment in life, being ready an... See more