Power Up Your Brain
your jaw and allow your eyes to look with a soft gaze. Take deep, gentle breaths. Relax your belly, keeping it soft. As you follow your breathing, observe your feelings, thoughts, and moods. Simply witness everything that surfaces in your awareness as if it were a cloud in the sky that appears and disappears of its own accord. As you inhale, note h
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Curcumin activates the Nrf2 pathway, a recently discovered “genetic switch” that works by turning on the genes to produce a vast array of antioxidants that protect mitochondria.
Alberto Villoldo • Power Up Your Brain
Chronic stress can lead to a rut in which the wiring of our neural networks keeps us repeating the same dysfunctional behavior and hoping for a different outcome.
Alberto Villoldo • Power Up Your Brain
The Power Up Your Brain Program includes total food restriction for one complete day (24 hours) every four weeks. During this fast, you should drink adequate amounts of water in order to remain very well hydrated.
Alberto Villoldo • Power Up Your Brain
As modern shamans, we also know that if a person wants to be healed of disease and be truly free and enlightened, then it is essential to strengthen the feminine life force within. This requires fasting, prayer, and meditation, combined with the use of healing herbs and plants.
Alberto Villoldo • Power Up Your Brain
While the prospect of reducing calorie intake by 30 percent may seem daunting, consider that Americans now consume an average of 523 more calories daily than in 1970. Current United Nations estimates show that the average American adult consumes 3,770 calories each day. In contrast, most health-care professionals consider normal calorie consumption
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beta-hydroxybutyrate, the principal ‘ketone’
Alberto Villoldo • Power Up Your Brain
MCT oil is derived from coconut oil, which is nature’s richest source of this important precursor to beta-HBA. Coconut oil contains about 66 percent MCTs.
Alberto Villoldo • Power Up Your Brain
“Experience coupled with attention leads to physical changes in the structure and future functioning of the nervous system.
Alberto Villoldo • Power Up Your Brain
The early Greeks, for example, identified 12 Titans who ruled the earth during the legendary Golden Age. In the King James Bible, God tells Moses of “a land of giants [who] dwelled therein in old time.”1 In Greek mythology, the Titans were a race of older gods whom the Olympians banished to the darkest depths of the underworld in the War of the Tit
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