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As of 2018, men and women in developed countries are expected to spend nearly 20 years in retirement.5 As the baby boomer generation enters this new life stage, bringing with them unprecedented wealth, health, and energy, they will be looking for new stories about how to live their lives.
Paul Millerd • The Pathless Path: Imagining a New Story For Work and Life
By some measures, average functional life spans in the United States have started to decline. This refers to the length of one’s healthy, active life, in contrast to the total number of years that one has been alive. In light of this, Orville Rogers, a one-hundred-year-old Masters record holder in the 200-meter run, quipped that our goal should be
... See moreMark Cucuzzella • Run for Your Life: How to Run, Walk, and Move Without Pain or Injury and Achieve a Sense of Well-Being and Joy
Longevity is an outcome of complex interactions that include economic, nutritional, and health care variables,
Vaclav Smil • Grand Transitions: How the Modern World Was Made
Longevity Biotech Landscape — Ada Nguyen
adanguyenx.cominto its most important components: strength, stability, aerobic efficiency, and peak aerobic capacity. Increasing your limits in each of these areas is necessary if you are hoping to reach your limit of lifespan and healthspan.