• from Proof of Passion by Jonathan Glick

    sari added

  • from Curators All the Way Down by Gaby Goldberg

    Luc Cheung added

  • from Platforms, Ecosystems, and Aggregators by Ben Thompson

    sari and added

  • Curators Are the New Creators

    by Gaby Goldberg

    9 highlights

    Thumbnail of Curators Are the New Creators

    Lucas Jackson and added

  • from Re-Organizing the World’s Information: Why We Need More Boutique Search Engines by mirror.xyz

    Luc Cheung and added

  • from A coat check ticket, a magic spell by Robin Sloan

    sari added

  • from Move Over Influencers, Here Come Curators by andjelicaaa.substack.com

    Alara and added

  • from Curators Are the New Creators. The Business Model of Good Taste | by Gaby Goldberg | Medium by gabygoldberg.medium.com

    Luc Cheung added