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Community is more than just a feeling of belonging. In the context of business, it’s a structure for creating value. A simple way to understand it is to compare “community” to an “audience.”
David Spinks • A Founder’s Guide to Community
The key here is for brands to stop thinking about their community just as top-of-the-funnel tactic, and instead consider it as a long-term, bottom-of-the-funnel strategy (bonding, advocacy, loyalty). Next step is to define and focus on the most valuable customer communities. Community management overall has to be more personal.
Ana Andjelic • The Business of Aspiration: How Social, Cultural, and Environmental Capital Changes Brands
“The reason we use the term community is because it's actually more valuable,” said Mighty Networks founder Gina Bianchini . “When I can actually bring a group of people together and you are providing value for each other, I'm doing less work. I'm creating more value. And it has a network effect, meaning that it gets more valuable with every new pe... See more