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Pleasure Activism
Keely Adler added
The organizing principle of the modern world is pain. To build a world that is truly sustainable and just, pleasure needs to replace pain and become the new organizing principle of our future .
Pleasure Activism
Keely Adler added
Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good (Emergent Strategy Book 1)
adrienne maree brown • 5 highlights
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Keely Adler and added
in a nutshell, pleasure activism is learning from what pleases us about how to make justice and liberation the most pleasurable experiences we can have.
adrienne maree brown, Rodriguez, • Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good (Emergent Strategy Book 1)
Cat added
“There’s a personal satisfaction in grimly pointing out the flaws of a system. But sustainable change requires providing people with an enjoyable and life affirming alternative.”
Mike "Bagel" and added