perpetual beta — our new normal – Harold Jarche
Sharan Bal • Hiring Humans, Not Resources
The notion of going beyond perfection strikes some people as odd because they are used to projects with clearly defined goals. When we move into complex settings and work with wicked problems that don’t have right answers, we have to discover the goals as we pursue them. The notion of perfection doesn’t work in these settings because we don’t want
... See moreGary Klein • Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
In the real world, the systems we build are part of complex adaptive systems that encompass developers, users, and customers, as well as their environments and organizational contexts. This reality calls for a more dynamic, almost organic approach to architecture and design, one that allows you to learn as you go and adapt your software to ever-cha
... See moreMichael Keeling • Software Architecture Metrics • Evolutionary Organizations
To adapt, companies must operate not as machines but as learning organisms, purposefully interacting with their environment and continuously improving, based on experiments and feedback.
Thomas Vander Wal • The Connected Company
In performance cultures, people often become attached to best practices. The risk is that once we’ve declared a routine the best, it becomes frozen in time. We preach about its virtues and stop questioning its vices, no longer curious about where it’s imperfect and where it could improve.