Peak Decisiveness
Peak Decisiveness
Yet, for all the impact this specific choice has had on the trajectory of my life, I value the way it changed my view about choices even more. We often think of choice as a thing. But a choice is not a thing. Our options may be things, but a choice—a choice is an action. It is not just something we have but something we do. This experience brought
... See moreIn this situation, any decision I make, to do anything at all with my time, is already radically limited. For one thing, it’s limited in a retrospective sense, because I’m already who I am and where I am, which determines what possibilities are open to me. But it’s also radically limited in a forward-looking sense, too, not least because a decision
... See more(The original Latin word for “decide,” decidere, means “to cut off,” as in slicing away alternatives; it’s a close cousin of words like “homicide” and “suicide.”)
As for knowing with certainty what category a given want or desire falls into—certainty is the ego-mind’s game. As the saying goes, “There is nothing certain in this world other than death and taxes.” Let go of the mind’s looking for certainty (because it’s just another way that the ego seeks to gain advantage) and you will become far more intuitiv
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