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Patronage As An Asset Class —
By extending patronage into an asset class, not only would you be able to support projects & earn social status, but also earn a potential profit from trading it. Since these collectibles are tradable at any price, traders can make a profit whilst supporting their favourite projects. If they make a loss from trading the asset, they at least support... See more
Simon de la Rouviere • Patronage As An Asset Class —
Today, patronage can be found in various parts of society. Traditionally, you can find patrons adorned in hallways of theatres: doing it not only to support something dear to them, but also for social status. In the digital era, many creators are funded through services like Patreon, paid monthly by fans, just to allow them to create.
Simon de la Rouviere • Patronage As An Asset Class —
By combining the incentives of patronage, profit & collectibles, we can create a new tradable asset class that supports the funding of the commons. In addition to supporting artists and open source communities, this idea can be utilized to save our fragile planet from the ongoing effects of climate change.