Snaxshot #06: Part of A Complete Breakfast
Snaxshot #06: Part of A Complete Breakfast
Andrea Hernández
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Perception of cereal as a “sugary” treat, associated with high levels of sugar.
Andrea Hernandez
Snaxshot #06: Part of A Complete Breakfast
U.S. cereal sales have gone stale in recent years as consumer tastes change.After several years of declining sales trends, the $8 billion U.S. cereal market’s sales were flat in 2019.
Andrea Hernandez
Snaxshot #06: Part of A Complete Breakfast
Cereal consumption being limited to “breakfast” which poses challenges with changing dietary habits in younger generations.
Andrea Hernandez
Snaxshot #06: Part of A Complete Breakfast
Crunch Time (challenges) 🛑
Andrea Hernandez
Snaxshot #06: Part of A Complete Breakfast