Pamela Anderson is a master class on rebranding

Customer brand trips > Influencer brand trips.
Chris Danton • Pamela Anderson is a master class on rebranding
Year of The Snake swag: Hermes Mahjong sets. Fortune-telling cards. All of it.
Chris Danton • Pamela Anderson is a master class on rebranding
Brand birthday piñatas = fun.
Chris Danton • Pamela Anderson is a master class on rebranding
Office of the Surface shared these lymphatic drainage leggings. Want.
Chris Danton • Pamela Anderson is a master class on rebranding
NO PAUSING // Now we’re at 20% IP, 20% perimenopause. Canyon Ranch is launching M/Power (wow, the names), a peri/menopause retreat. 3-nights and $7K later, 15 people will get “blood work, hormonal panels, and body composition scans” and daily group sessions covering sex, stress, and sleep. Book me in and I’ll report back.
Chris Danton • Pamela Anderson is a master class on rebranding
NOT ENTRY LEVEL // Many successful businesses have been built on college-town economies. So when Emily Sundberg pointed to a new group, Study Hotels, catering to parents wanting “to stay somewhere nicer than traditional ‘college town’ spots” it felt smart. The website needs love, though, dear lord.
Chris Danton • Pamela Anderson is a master class on rebranding
BLOOD BIOHACKING // We all have our feelings about the government right now but often what starts there trickles out. Ochuko Akpovbovboshared that the US military is exploring blood bio-hacking. “It's kind of like an automatic drug-delivery system”. Mark my words, someone will turn this into a beauty thing.
Chris Danton • Pamela Anderson is a master class on rebranding
PERI PROTEIN // In an interview with Emily Sundberg, the co-founders of Perelel revealed they are launching a protein supplement for peri/menopausal-aged women. So smart. I’m bullish.
Chris Danton • Pamela Anderson is a master class on rebranding
METHYLENE BLUE // I don’t know much about this YET but my wellness guru, Jenny Evans, can’t stop talking about Methylene Blue. Typically, whenever she says something it’s huge within the year. Consider yourself told.