Overcoming Health Anxiety: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques (Overcoming Books)
David Vealeamazon.com
Overcoming Health Anxiety: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques (Overcoming Books)
have an emotional problem with being excessively worried by my health and my ‘solutions’ have become my problem and feed my worry.
This in turn creates another feedback loop in which you lose your confidence and feel incapable of doing certain things.
being over-protected as a child, especially from illness. being over-protected as a child from deaths, funerals, illnesses in the family.
EXERCISE 4.8: AN EXERCISE IN DISTANCING In this exercise, you will need to get into a relaxed position and just observe the flow of your thoughts, one after another, without trying to work out their meaning or their relationship to one another. You are practising an attitude of acceptance of your experience. Imagine for the moment sitting next to a
... See moreMany people we meet in our social lives and at work still believe that the answer to an emotional problem is to ‘understand where it comes from’. This idea is based on the assumption that there is clearly identifiable past event to which a person’s problem can be traced, and that once the sufferer recalls this, the magic of ‘insight’ will lead to a
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