on not living a paper-thin life
kindredspirits.substack.comSaved by Sindhu Shivaprasad
on not living a paper-thin life
Saved by Sindhu Shivaprasad
The document delves into the importance of conviction in business ownership, detailing the role of explicit and implicit convictions in investing decisions and the concept of Quality in company assessment.
greenlealane.comFaith is a deeply held conviction that there is a higher meaning in life that cannot be proved by outer events.
Conviction is willingness to do the work, to live with uncertainty, to be open to asking for help, and not to worry about the end result.
No, we persuade people through the gospel that we preach, the beliefs and ideologies that we hold for which we are even willing to suffer. This is the definition of conviction. We’re willing to stand firm on a belief even if we are the only ones standing.
Your young man needs convictions and they can't come from you. Convictions come from hearing the voice of the Lord. They come from having a holy fear of God and knowing in your heart of hearts his will for you. Convictions allow a man to steady his walk in order to stay on the narrow road that leads to life.
To be able to hear the voice of the Lord,
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