Saved by Alex Dobrenko and
If you nerd out on knowledge management stuff you’ve probably heard the phrase PKM. It stands for personal knowledge management. Most PKM tools are about creating your own private repository of ideas.
Sublime is less PKM and more CKM – communal knowledge management.
Instead of living on an island somewhere out on the web, the ideas you collect intel... See more
Sublime is less PKM and more CKM – communal knowledge management.
Instead of living on an island somewhere out on the web, the ideas you collect intel... See more
Sari Azout • "What Does Sublime Actually Do?"
Sublime founder Sari Azout on... Sublime
youtube.comSublime is not a note-taking app
youtube.comThis passage from Steven Johnson’s Where Good Ideas Come From, which is discussing Darwin’s use of keeping a commonplace book (a practice I have always loved myself) as a vital part of where his most important ideas came from, just jumped off the page at me:
“The great minds of the period —Milton, Bacon, Locke were zealous believers in the memory-en
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