Nudge: The Final Edition
When people have a hard time predicting how their choices will end up affecting their lives, they have less to gain from having numerous options and perhaps even from choosing for themselves.
Richard H. Thaler • Nudge: The Final Edition
So a behavioral analysis of the incentives of car ownership will predict that people will underweight the opportunity costs of car ownership and possibly other less salient aspects, such as depreciation, and may overweight the very salient costs of using a taxi.*
Richard H. Thaler • Nudge: The Final Edition
Why should I bother to register if my consent has already been presumed?
Richard H. Thaler • Nudge: The Final Edition
Other types of sludge are the inevitable by-product of a well-intended administrative process, designed to ensure that people actually qualify for or are entitled to something they want.
Richard H. Thaler • Nudge: The Final Edition
Early experiences with defined-contribution savings plans revealed that Humans could use some help on three fronts: enrolling in the plans, increasing their contribution rates, and improving their investment returns.
Richard H. Thaler • Nudge: The Final Edition
First, people do not get clear feedback on the environmental consequences of their actions.
Richard H. Thaler • Nudge: The Final Edition
An ongoing useful role for governments is the creation of standardized units to make comparisons easier for consumers.
Richard H. Thaler • Nudge: The Final Edition
many people love lotteries. Some governments are already using this insight.
Richard H. Thaler • Nudge: The Final Edition
Make It Easy remains our mantra, one of the best ways to make it easy is to make it automatic.
Richard H. Thaler • Nudge: The Final Edition
Other money-saving possibilities include drawing down savings to pay off more.