No more boring apps
Why does design need to be in the boardroom when it can occasionally run the boardroom? Why aren’t there at least a few more designers running Fortune 500 companies? I don’t have an answer for that, but I do know a couple things: I think of myself maybe as a designer, but I’m not a designer the way most of you are, but I designed our business model... See more
Navigating the intersection of design and business: a conversation with Airbnb’s Brian Chesky | Figma Blog
When you try to make something that solves everything, you obsess over questions of power: how to make something that is omnipotent and everlasting. But when you make something that does one thing well, the questions are much more personal: does it solve my problem? and for how long? and who for? and where will it push the space around it? I want t... See more
Be specific
So much genius and money has gone into a metaphor that assumes the zenith of humans desire to be status and likes and influence and conven- ience and efficiency. Humans want all those things. But we also want to be inspired. To be delighted. To express our deepest desires. To seek truth. To be moved. To create. To be challenged.
I’m thinking about how malleable the world is, and how easy it is to forget that. The world has, many times throughout history, reconfigured itself around strong visions.
Our desires, motivations and behaviors are constantly being shaped by incentives and systems we aren’t even aware of. So much genius and money has gone into a metaphor that assume... See more
Our desires, motivations and behaviors are constantly being shaped by incentives and systems we aren’t even aware of. So much genius and money has gone into a metaphor that assume... See more
sari azout • Taste, Conviction, Elon Musk
Designing For Desire
fwb.helpIf you consider yourself a technologist, here’s your imperative: build things that are unabashedly, beautifully tangled into all else in life — people and relationships, politics, emotion and pain, understanding or the lack thereof, being alone, being together, homesickness, adventure, victory, loss. Build things that come alive, and drag everythin... See more