Saved by Clara Nafria
Tendenci@s | Ismael Nafría | Substack
This is all very good news, for writers and for readers. Filtering news and adding useful commentary is a nontrivial task, it’s hard to scale, and scaling it in one domain doesn’t imply skill in doing it somewhere else (if I switched places with someone who wrote a sports newsletter, we’d both lose all our readers). But the subscription newsletter ... See more
Byrne Hobart • The Diff | Byrne Hobart | Substack
- Nano- and anti-influencers
Cayetana Hurtado • The subtle art of (not) understanding Gen Z
Newsletters go back at least as far as the Middle Ages, but these days, with full-time jobs at stable media companies evaporating—between the 2008 recession and 2019, newsroom employment dropped by 23 percent—Substack offers an appealing alternative. • The Substackerati
For example, the next writing platform I am paying close attention to these days is Substack. Substack is aiming to be the “social” writing platform for paid newsletters. The reason I say “social” is because, unlike true social platforms where the purpose is to browse and scroll, Substack actually operates much closer to a tool for writers rather t
... See moreNicolas Cole • The Art and Business of Online Writing: How to Beat the Game of Capturing and Keeping Attention
One argument for newsletters is that it allows senders to track metrics about who reads their work, how much they read, etc. In Nintil for example while I have some Google Analytics metrics, I have zero information if you read it via RSS and not open the page
Applied Divinity Studies • [Guest post] How Substack Became Milquetoast
Substack has built a fantastic platform for independent writers to not only reach their audiences directly, but to support themselves financially while doing so without having to depend on increasingly stultifying media institutions.
Jerry Brito • Disintermediating the media with… Substack?
The rise of newsletters is a tiny part of a more considerable shift around discovering, filtering, and consuming content online. On a more macro level:-Content supply is getting unbundled with the meteoric rise of individual creators.Trust in institutions is dwindling. [Pew Research]-We're consuming knowledge in more formats than ever before: Tweet... See more