Saved by Jason Badeaux
New Models for Utility Tokens
The work token model captures ~100x more value than the proprietary payment currency model.How is this possible?If you instead use a utility token as a right to perform work on behalf of the network, it becomes valued at a multiple of the operating cash flows that the system generates rather than as a fraction of revenues paid to service providers.
Kyle Samani • New Models for Utility Tokens
The beauty of the work token model is that, absent any speculators, increased usage of the network will cause an increase in the price of the token. As demand for the service grows, more revenue will flow to service providers. Given a fixed supply of tokens, service providers will rationally pay more per token for the right to earn part of a growin... See more
Kyle Samani • New Models for Utility Tokens
As I noted in Understanding Token Velocity, the V in the equation of exchange is a huge problem for basically all proprietary payment currencies. Proprietary payment currencies are, generally speaking, susceptible to the velocity problem, which will exert perpetual downwards price pressure.