New Media IRL: "New Release" by Yacht
METALABEL: The feeling I have looking at your universe is you’re people with an incredible amount of self confidence. You have a vision that you're not afraid to pursue. Looking at it as a creative person, it’s inspiring. What I want to be when I grow up.
CLAIRE : There's a certain Rubicon that gets crossed in an artist's life where there's no goin... See more
CLAIRE : There's a certain Rubicon that gets crossed in an artist's life where there's no goin... See more
Yancey Strickler • New Media IRL: "New Release" by Yacht
METALABEL: You made a short video for the album that has a line I can’t stop thinking about: “Sometimes it feels like your house is a store and your life is a job.” Can you talk about that feeling?
CLAIRE : It's something we talk about a lot. The more you notice it in the world around you, the more real it feels. It speaks to the fact that as indiv... See more
CLAIRE : It's something we talk about a lot. The more you notice it in the world around you, the more real it feels. It speaks to the fact that as indiv... See more
YACHT • New Media IRL: "New Release" by Yacht
CLAIRE : That's the thing. We're not a brand. We're not a company. We're human beings. Of course it's going to change every 30 seconds. We're following our lives.
YACHT • New Media IRL: "New Release" by Yacht
JONA : For me, it comes completely naturally. It's not like, “oh today, I'm gonna fuck around with making video art.” It feels like I have to do it and if I don't, I'll die. Like I'm a shark. I have to be moving through water at all times. There's no choice. Luckily I'm an optimistic person, so most of the time I'm happy when I'm doing it. I'm deli... See more