Saved by Stuart Evans
Neither Hero nor Journey
It is in humanity’s relationship to earth that we most need guidance from post-Hero storylines.
Charles Eisenstein • Neither Hero nor Journey
There are other ways to develop a soul (individual or collective) besides to leave home and go off on an adventure. I believe that the time is now to engage these other modes of development. For example, it will not be truly developmental for us to push on to Mars, to conquer new frontiers, to find new enemies over which to triumph.
Charles Eisenstein • Neither Hero nor Journey
The Hero’s Journey is perfectly legitimate myth with a valid place among many others in the pantheon. However, it is not appropriate today as a primary guide for civilization. The main problem is not that it is male-gendered and needs to be neutered or balanced by a female equivalent. It is that the Hero is a boy archetype, not a man archetyp... See more
Charles Eisenstein • Neither Hero nor Journey
In the human relation to earth, isn’t it obvious right now that our collective soul development will come through fully acknowledging our home here—on earth, as part of life, in matter?
Charles Eisenstein • Neither Hero nor Journey
Contrary to the youth-obsessed prejudices of modern society, the soul’s development does not end when one settles down, makes home, roots in place, and starts a family. Life is not a continual Hero’s Journey.