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2. About slide: value proposition to founders, achievements and fund differentiators
Brianne Kimmel • Page Not Found | Framer
3. Skills alignment
Brianne Kimmel • Page Not Found | Framer
3. Market opportunity: define the market opportunity and provide examples of companies that align to your thesis
Brianne Kimmel • Page Not Found | Framer
1. Overview: bullet points to describe the fund strategy and high signal LPs involved
Brianne Kimmel • Page Not Found | Framer
1. Access is everything when you’re just getting started
Brianne Kimmel • Page Not Found | Framer
4. Theme slides: a key trend, unique insight or thought that demonstrates access, expertise and ability to win deals aligned to the theme
Brianne Kimmel • Page Not Found | Framer
3. Give, give, give before you ever ask for anything
Brianne Kimmel • Page Not Found | Framer
9. Fund strategy: target fund size, average check size, carry & management fees
Brianne Kimmel • Page Not Found | Framer
5. Fund Strategy slide: a clear definition for how you plan to source, pick, win and support companies
Brianne Kimmel • Page Not Found | Framer
Why start a fund?