• from visakanv's 50yr "plan" for global nerd network [wip] by Visakan Veerasamy

    sari added

  • from 177: Contagious Beliefs

    Jason Shen added

  • from #96: Why Do We Aspire to Live Alone? by Haley Nahman

    Keely Adler added

  • from Tweet by Sasha Chapin

    rob hardy and added

  • from Sari Azout on Building Emotional Capital by Sari Azout

    Avani Parekh and added

  • from Are you ready to put yourself 'out there'? by Farrah @Substack

    sari added

  • Michael Dean added

  • Growth Without Goals | Editorials

    by joincolossus.com

    1 highlight

    Thumbnail of Growth Without Goals | Editorials

    Packy McCormick and added