Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement

While these adjustments (chest up, shoulders back) reduce the forward-displacing loads to the spine, they don’t actually undo the curve; they just hide it. And, even worse, adjustments made to facilitate a temporary visual improvement actually introduce new curves in the opposite direction and compromise the mechanical leverage of the muscles that
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The painted spot changes the way the shirt experiences the loads. A gentle tug on the shirt causes the areas surrounding the dried paint stretch easily as they did before, but the area stiffened with the paint behaves differently. The same pull that used to deform the shirt down and inward now creates little (if any) distortion over the sticky area
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Cross-training is often recommended by exercise and therapeutic professionals because being strong or healthy in one specific way doesn’t transfer over to being strong or healthy in every way. For example, if you’re a kick-ass runner and you run all the time and you run easily and without pain, your body is probably very adapted to the tissue stren
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Let us not forget that the collective move of workers to chairs stemmed from the standing injuries created by post-industrial standing-all-day factory work. “Standing” already has its risk of injury on file.
Katy Bowman • Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement
arrange the ASIS and the pubic symphysis vertically. While there is a slight difference between the two positions, I prefer the latter. The markers on the front of the pelvis are easier to feel and see—much more user-friendly—while the posterior markers are often located under thicker layers of soft tissue, not to mention behind you. Using the ASIS
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Sarcomeres pretty much have one way of organizing themselves, so if you, through your habits, change the average (read: most frequented) distance between muscle attachment points, your body will grow (in a process called sarcomerogenesis) or cannibalize (in a process called sarcomerolysis) individual sarcomeres in the effort to return the remaining
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“Good” nourishment, whether you’re talking about food or movement, cannot be reduced to a single or even a few variables, and bad diets or exercise programs are not the result of the deficit of a single component. When you’re eating a well-balanced diet (in every sense of the word) there is a sum total effect of wellness that permeates the entire b
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Over time, heavy use of your body in one particular pattern makes strong tissues next to weaker ones, which creates an environment where an injury can slowly develop. The frequent consumption of varied movement is what drives essential physiological processes.
Katy Bowman • Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement
Every single thing our bodies do requires movement—initiated by our musculoskeletal system—to be performed with ease. Digestion, immunity, reproduction—all of these functions require us to move. You can eat the perfect diet, sleep eight hours a night, and use only baking soda and vinegar to clean your house, but without the loads created by natural
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