More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
Sara Nasser Dalrympleamazon.comSaved by shashaank and
More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
Saved by shashaank and
The price is not the determining factor in the high-end purchase, it is the label, brand loyalty, perceived quality and status that draws people in. The same is also true in your business, but only if you give people a brand experience to actually enjoy and become loyal to!
Intro post/recap what you’re all about, what you love about your work and typical results.
A super common mistake I see is assuming these things are obvious. Unless you weave them into your narrative: they’re not.
How do you want people to feel about working with you? • How are you demonstrating this at each stage of the journey?
Your personal brand is how you establish a meaningful connection with your new audience and people who don’t know you yet. It’s the story you tell that makes everything you do make sense. It builds demand
What separates the two is you. Turning up, talking about your products, spelling it out, serving your audience, helping them get to know you, you.
Connection content Connection content is how you greet new people into your world. It helps the colder end of your audience who don’t know you yet, find those initial threads of curiosity that will capture their imagination and make them want to find out more. Connection content incorporates stories and personal brand elements that draw people into
... See moreSelling is how you let people know what is available and how to buy from you.
live, share the most common mistakes you see happening in your industry, or provide a useful time saver that your ideal client will benefit from. You are already a confident promoter, so adding in the simple step of hearing your clients tell you exactly what they want will vastly improve the relationships you make online, the quality of the convers
... See moreThere needs to be a process and an order to the way you approach this. To lead your business and grow your sales without having to work more, do more or be more, then getting to a place where you can promote your products in minutes a day will help you immeasurably.