More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
An effective sales strategy is rock solid in the following three areas: the product you’re selling, what it does for people, and how easy it is to find. These are your sales simplifiers, the things you need to have clear in your mind before active selling commences, so let’s walk through them one by one.
Sara Nasser Dalrymple • More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
Who is the ideal client for what you’re selling? Who do you want to buy it? • What do they need help with right now? What solution are you offering?
Sara Nasser Dalrymple • More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
It’s far easier to sell to existing customers who are already familiar with your business and have a relationship with you, than to bring on new ones.
Sara Nasser Dalrymple • More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
owners in the first few years.
Sara Nasser Dalrymple • More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
In online selling, you have to tell people how you help them. The first thing your client wants to know is what you can do for them, and if this is buried or not immediately obvious, you’ll lose their attention before you even had it.
Sara Nasser Dalrymple • More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
How would you describe your style of delivery or working? What specific, known problem does it solve? • Why did you create it and what is the result you intend for the people who purchase this? • What will be easier afterwards, what will the buyer gain? • What specifically do people desire that this service or product makes easier?
Sara Nasser Dalrymple • More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
Fear around selling is so expensive for the small business economy. It leads many business owners to be so afraid of looking ‘pushy’ that they would rather not ask to be
Sara Nasser Dalrymple • More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
Are you providing a range of ways for your clients to choose you? No one product will please everyone in your audience. How can you cater to different needs and access points?
Sara Nasser Dalrymple • More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
Focus on creating more content that explains who your products are right for, what result they can expect and how working with you works
Sara Nasser Dalrymple • More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
ready to buy, they need you to build product awareness first. A warm audience understands the options available and why they’re relevant. A hot