Saved by Minny and
Modern Technical Writing
Saved by Minny and
you should break your writing into bite-sized pieces, often called topics, none of which overlap in content.
Wherever you store your documentation, place a file named README.md in the root of the repository (or in ./docs). This Markdown file should include: A quick summary of the product being documented Instructions on how to build the documentation locally Instructions on how to contribute
How does this product fit into a broader ecosystem, if at all? Does it have any dependencies?
Good change logs convince people to upgrade, inspire confidence in the direction of a product, and help developers take advantage of new features.
Learn everything about a subject. Write down exactly what an audience needs to know and no more. Make the content beautiful, discoverable, scannable, and searchable. Consider everything a draft, and iterate relentlessly. Make contribution simple.
Technical writers, first and foremost, are testers and researchers. Your job is to know what people want to achieve and precisely how to achieve it.
What topics should be is relatively complete in their discussion of a particular subject.
What is this product? Why would anyone want it?
Users are people who just want to achieve something with an application, whether it's resizing an image, creating a spreadsheet, or searching a database.