I know that growth can be imperceptible and quiet. I’ve accepted that. Eventually progress loses its shine of exponential improvement simply because as each year goes by, each year becomes a smaller fraction of life in its entirety. There’s nothing to feel too bad about. Maybe the changes are incremental, but important. Maybe the emotions are softe... See more
meaningful productivity often comes not from hurrying things up but from letting them take the time they take, surrendering to what in German has been called Eigenzeit, or the time inherent to a process itself.
In a world geared for hurry, the capacity to resist the urge to hurry—to allow things to take the time they take—is a way to gain purchase on the world, to do the work that counts, and to derive satisfaction from the doing itself, instead of deferring all your fulfillment to the future.
3 Ways to Make the Most of Uncertain Times
Losing a job, taking on a new challenge, preparing to launch a project, moving to a new country – these transitions create what anthropologists call “liminal spaces” – the fertile but uncomfortable in-betweens where transformation happens.
Liminality (from the Latin word līmen, “threshold”) is the ambiguity
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