Mister Gotcha | The Nib
Everyone Online Sounds Like an Absolute Fucking Poseur Lately
Freddie deBoerfreddiedeboer.substack.comWhat’s tolerated around here? (Really.)
Jason Jaggard • Beyond High Performance: What Great Coaches Know About How the Best Get Better
To get to where he wants to go, he wears the mask. We generally don’t like hypocrisy—the betrayal of principle—but Beerbohm casts it as a virtue. By pretending to be good and going through the motions, George Hell transforms himself. He repairs his hypocrisy, not by removing the mask but by removing his flaws.
Russell D. Roberts • Wild Problems: A Guide to the Decisions That Define Us
Poynter stresses that he’s not an expert; he’s just a normal guy running with a flag through a public park who stumbled upon a bizarre niche that allows him to live the life he’s always dreamed. But his — which is to say, the entire internet’s — brand of advice-giving and morality policing is remarkably black-and-white. This, obviously, is the reas... See more
There are obvious downsides to this line of thinking. It’s anti-intellectual, for one. But also, the incessant caricaturing and dumbing down of major life events numbs us to their significance. If a meme pokes fun at someone’s bad behaviour, it gives the bad behaviour a pass. Through our rapid meme-fication and IJBOLing, we obfuscate the evil of th... See more