time is an artifact of human experience.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
You are free once you base your life on one thing, your sense of self.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
Of all the candidates for an eternal something that has no beginning or end, consciousness is the most viable. In the new creation story, there are no gods or God, no wind-up universe running like a finely tuned watch, and no birth pangs in the big bang. Without them, there isn’t even a story in the usual sense. There is only consciousness doing it
... See moreDeepak Chopra • Metahuman
For our entire lives, all of us have been taught how to live in the state of practical mortality. Everything is gauged according to how it fits in between birth and death. People who squeeze the most pleasure out of life, master many skills, work hard and play hard, travel to many places, amass money and possessions—they are the winners in the sche
... See moreDeepak Chopra • Metahuman
The self selects whatever it wants to pay attention to. Therefore, the self is not bound by the activity of the nervous system. It is present no matter which nerve cells are firing.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
Either/or is the most basic editing tool our minds possess, and it begins with “me or not me.” Ego separates each person from every other person though countless decisions about “me or not me.” Many such decisions have no real purpose except to reinforce the ego.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
Virtual reality stands for every mind-made limitation that needs to be undone. As long as we believe in virtual reality, metareality lies beyond our grasp. Everything must be done in the name of freedom, which rescues reality and ourselves at the same time.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
There is no escaping that we live in a mind-made world. This is both the glory and the peril of being human.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
Personal reality defines us. It consists of all the things we believe in, the emotions we feel, our unique set of memories, and a lifetime of experiences and relationships.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
Contrary to Hamlet, “To be, or not to be” isn’t the question. “To be” is the question, all by itself. If you ask it every day, your true self will hear and then present fascinating, ever-changing answers. Engaged in finding out what it means to be here, you transform your mind from its old conditioning into a vehicle that can reach the beyond.