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It can focus on the audience, not the contestant
Patrick O'Shaughnessy • Home | ColossusQuasar App
It can be interactive, not passive
Patrick O'Shaughnessy • Home | ColossusQuasar App
HQ Trivia proved 3 things about game shows:
Patrick O'Shaughnessy • Home | ColossusQuasar App
“Gaming relies on technology to change content and business model more than any other media category”
Patrick O'Shaughnessy • Home | ColossusQuasar App
Broadcast television gave anyone the ability to watch TV. Since anyone could watch, the business model became advertising. With advertising, you want to maximize the number of eyeballs you can get which lead to lowest common denominator content or broadcast TV
Patrick O'Shaughnessy • Home | ColossusQuasar App
Video games are an internet mall, it’s where people can hang out, meet new people, and shop
Patrick O'Shaughnessy • Home | ColossusQuasar App
“The fact that Netflix has that reach, means they can actually produce hits and franchises at a greater degree on an equivalent quality of other services. That advantage is enormous in a content business.”
Patrick O'Shaughnessy • Home | ColossusQuasar App
“There are more apps than ever before..the cost of installation or awareness that has saturated and escalated so much that you can make something superb and very few people know about it.”
Patrick O'Shaughnessy • Home | ColossusQuasar App
“On an hourly basis, video games are still monetizing at fractions of what even standard television is on an hourly basis which makes very little sense when you compare the degree of immersion and focus and distractibility of the audience”