✍️ Mapping Designer Tools
On the other hand, design could also become a commodity. Designers will tend to disappear or remain a high end job that you will find only in large organisations or in certain categories where design matters.
Clement Vouillon • ✍️ Mapping Designer Tools
On the one hand, design could become one of the few key differentiators in product building and every team with more than 10 employees will have in-house designers.
Clement Vouillon • ✍️ Mapping Designer Tools
AdobeXD, Figma, InVision and Sketch are now the three main platforms in the design category. The four players are all going in the same direction: (i) more collaboration between designers and with other functions in the company, (ii) easing the handover between designers and developers, (iii) building an open ecosystem of plugins to augment the exp... See more