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Managing people
As a manager, everything is your fault. I know… very positive start. There is no point being angry at your team – ever. You are in charge of processes and people. And you got more information than they do, always. You either created the processes where this outcome happened. or you hired (or did not fire) the wro... See more
Andreas Klinger • Managing people
It's a common misconception that burnouts come from hard work. Burnout comes from a felt loss of control and/or impact. Remember that you can burn out employees (or yourself) with little to no work.
Andreas Klinger • Managing people
Avoid drive-by management. Don't start throwing your opinion or ideas around in meetings. You most likely lack context, and most likely, you won't be the person needing to follow through.
Andreas Klinger • Managing people
Hire based on good decision-making skills. Fire based on poor decision-making skills.
Andreas Klinger • Managing people
the role of a manager is not to manage people but to manage processes and lead people.
Andreas Klinger • Managing people
The worst thing that can happen is that you frequently step in, and people disassociate from their work. They become drones who do what's told instead of taking ownership. If this is your goal, you can hire cheaper, less talented people.
Andreas Klinger • Managing people
Drive-by management is when the manager comes by a group of people having a discussion. They throw requests, change mandates, and ideas around like bullets, create confusion, panic, chaos, and when they leave, they leave a bloody mess behind.
Andreas Klinger • Managing people
Processes are not complex chains of people doing things that are burdened by horrible overheads. Processes are expectations made explicit. They can be as simple as "every morning we all do X to ensure everyone else is unblocked.
Andreas Klinger • Managing people
I frequently meet founders who hire people "and get out of their way" While this is principle correct it doesn't absolve you from enabling them to succeed.