Managing nerves, anxiety, and burnout | Jonny Miller (Nervous System Mastery)
Stuart Evans and added
Elizabeth Marshall and added
a lack of interoceptive capacity tends to be associated with prolonged maladaptive stress responses—research-speak for the highway to burnout .
Jonny Miller • The Art and Science of Interoception
Stuart Evans added
Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety
hubermanlab.comNicolay Gerold and added
👩🔬 Exploring Tools for Nervous System Regulation with Emotional Expression with Satori Clarke 👩🔬
youtube.comRob Tourtelot added
66. Best Of: Lessons from Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman to Help You Hack your Speaking Anxiety
youtube.comMoi Jamri added
By learning to cultivate internal receptivity, we can listen to the treasure trove of data coming from the activation shifts of neurotransmitters—like adenosine cueing a need for sleep, a change in our breathing mechanics signaling a shift in our arousal response, or just being aware of how rested we feel upon waking and making choices about our da... See more
Jonny Miller • The Art and Science of Interoception
Stuart Evans added
individuals who were clear about their feelings, understanding where they came from and what they meant, were more likely to thrive under stress, anxiety, and pressure. They turned anxiety into excitement and pressure into information and motivation. All thanks to clarity on the message their body was sending.