Making Ideas Happen
Time is very limited, and with the demands of family, friends, work, and sleep, most ideas lose traction immediately.
Scott Belsky • Making Ideas Happen
My freedom thus consists in my moving about within the narrow frame that I have assigned to myself for each one of my undertakings. I shall go even further: my freedom will be so much the greater and more meaningful the more narrowly I limit my field of action and the more I surround myself with obstacles. Whatever diminishes constraint diminishes
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Attraction often breeds commitment: if you enjoy your method for staying organized, you are more likely to use it consistently over time.
Scott Belsky • Making Ideas Happen
Keep an Eye on Your Energy Line
Scott Belsky • Making Ideas Happen
Consider making a recurring monthly “Backburner Review” appointment in your calendar. Ritualize the time you spend revisiting the half-baked ideas that may someday transform your work or life. It is easy to forget your Backburner (and, most of the time,
Scott Belsky • Making Ideas Happen
The way you organize projects, prioritize, and manage your energy is arguably more important than the quality of the ideas you wish to pursue.
Scott Belsky • Making Ideas Happen
It turns out that most of us seldom refer back to all of this static documentation that clutters our lives. While we might cherish the opportunity to refer back to the thoughts or main points gathered in meetings and brainstorms of the past, we rarely have the luxury to do so.
Scott Belsky • Making Ideas Happen
We are humans, not machines. With our creativity comes the tendency to think of random ideas and actions we might want to take but not right at that time. Idea generation is often tangential to the active projects in our lives. But the fact that the timing is off does not mean that the thought isn’t worthy of future consideration.
Scott Belsky • Making Ideas Happen
Taking and organizing extensive notes aren’t worth the effort. We have found that notes are seldom used and can actually get in the way of capturing and following up on Action Steps. The process of excessive note taking actually interferes with the bias toward action that is necessary for a productive creative environment. If you simply capture and
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In a no-holds-barred session of blue-sky brainstorming, rampant idea exchange is exhilarating. But without some structure, you can become an addict of the brain-spinning indulgence of idea generation.