Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness (Shambhala Classics)

physical happiness. May they have ease of well-being.” “May all living beings be free from danger. May they have mental happiness. May they have physical happiness. May they have ease of well-being.” “May all creatures be free from danger. May they have mental happiness. May they have physical happiness. May they have ease of well-being.” “May all
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According to the Buddha, “You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” How few of us embrace ourselves in this way! With metta pr
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Significantly, when we do metta practice, we begin by directing metta toward ourselves. This is the essential foundation for being able to offer genuine love to others. When we truly love ourselves, we want to take care of others, because that is what is most enriching, or nourishing, for us. When we have a genuine inner life, we are intimate with
... See moreSharon Salzberg • Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness (Shambhala Classics)
Being still, we see the power of the mind, which is the strength of our own capacity to love and connect. Actual love is the true seeing of our oneness, our nonseparateness. As we discover this capacity to love, we develop intimacy with ourselves and others. We develop the strength and compassion to live with integrity and, one day, to die with pea
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the first moment of seeing him or her I realize, “Oh, that’s who I really am!” I feel a deep recognition of the innate and inviolate power of love within me as well. And I also see that many concepts about myself, my fears and desires, are superimposed over that power, concealing it. These concepts dissolve in the presence of such a person; I awake
... See moreSharon Salzberg • Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness (Shambhala Classics)
Our potential as human beings is measureless; it is vast, unfathomable. Our minds are incredibly dynamic, powerful, energetic force fields. Recognizing these realities is the ground for seeing that what we care about and what we do with our minds makes a difference. When we practice the brahma-viharas, we can benefit ourselves and all of life. Our
... See moreSharon Salzberg • Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness (Shambhala Classics)
No one has enough to buy it, but everyone has enough to cultivate it.
Sharon Salzberg • Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness (Shambhala Classics)
Consider how the sky is unharmed by the clouds that pass through it, whether they are light and fluffy-looking or dark and formidable. A mountain is not moved by the winds blowing over it, whether gentle or fierce. The ocean is not destroyed by the waves moving on its surface, whether high or low. In just that way, no matter what we experience, som
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