Love Yourself and Let the Other Person Have It Your Way

Please read the following sentence slowly and carefully.Love, success, positive, health, abundance, money, peace - all of these qualities are the exact same energy.
Lawrence Crane • Love Yourself and Let the Other Person Have It Your Way
The First Breakthrough ActionLet go of your non-love feelings. Pay attention to what you're saying, thinking and doing. Watch all the time. Stay awake to what's happening. Be on the lookout all the time. When you see some non-love thought, you stop it. When you see some non-love feeling, you stop it. When you see you're taking some non-love action,
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Can you be positive in spite of what your mind is telling you?
Lawrence Crane • Love Yourself and Let the Other Person Have It Your Way
So, now you have a decision to make. I'm going to be positive and send approval to this person or I'm going to disapprove of them and get nowhere fast.
Lawrence Crane • Love Yourself and Let the Other Person Have It Your Way
Think of somebody you're disapproving of. Now when you're disapproving of others, you're causing yourself lots of negativity. See if you can figure out how to have a relationship with somebody you're not getting along with. Ask your friend your mind if it knows how to do it. It doesn't know. If it knew you would already be getting along with that p
... See moreLawrence Crane • Love Yourself and Let the Other Person Have It Your Way
One should strive to love, never to be loved. It's impossible to get love.