Saved by Alex Dobrenko and
TLDR is internet-speak for “Too long, didn’t read.” It’s one of the consequences of too much to choose from, combined with a lazy quest for convenience. It’s a checklist mindset. And all we get after we finish a checklist is a bunch of checked boxes, not real understanding.
Seth Godin • The Cliffs Notes paradox
It has for me. It means arguments of the form "Life is too short for x" have great force. It's not just a figure of speech to say that life is too short for something. It's not just a synonym for annoying. If you find yourself thinking that life is too short for something, you should try to eliminate it if you can. • Life Is Short
Brevity doesn't always mean short. It just means to the point. There are 1-page documents that ramble and 900-page books that are brief.